Why does the Lord want me here?

The first time I cheated death was at three years old. Stung by four or five wasps, my fever shot through the roof. Out on the homestead there was no neighhbourhood Doctor nor physician. Mom placed cold towels on me throughout the day keeping the fever from sky-rocketing, and somehow, I survived.

Then the next time was when my brother Butch was a baby. Mom had taken a trip to see her mom with the baby. I was wearing a wine coloured wool sweater. All sweaters were wool those days. Back in the 1940’s one didn’t buy coloured clothing in the down town or suburbia clothing store. This sweater was dyed. Man, did I react to the sweater with blood poisoining! When mom got home, she slathered me with salt water 3 to 4 times a day drawing it out. Finally white stuff came out of the blood poisoning on the skin, and I again cheated death.

During this era one would never ever wash the colored clothing together. Even sewers would never touch the end of their colored thread to their tongue for the same reason. Colored clothing would have to be washed separately a number of times before the dye was considered safe. Wikipedia says of clothing dyes, “Mordants (from the Latin verb ‘mordere’, meaning ‘to bite’) are metal salts that can form a stable molecular coordination complex with both natural dyes and natural fibres. Historically, the most common mordants were alum (potassium aluminum sulphate – a metal salt of aluminum) and iron (ferrous sulphate). Many other metal salt mordants were also used, but are seldom used now due to modern research evidence of their extreme toxicity either to human health, ecological health, or both. These include salts of metals such as chrome, copper, tin, lead, and others.”

The next time was when I was 19, and the polio pandemic was going around. I was an intern student nurse at Tisdale hospital caring for others with polio, when I myself became sick. It wasn’t long before I was in an iron lung for a couple of months in the basement of City Hospital. I was fortunate that I was not in an iron lung for years on end. Did you know there are still people in iron lungs from the polio pandemic in the 1950s? The iron lung, indeed helped me to breath as paralysis set in across my body. Once again, death was cheated of this soul.

The next time was when a heart attack ravaged my body. My cardiologist still cannot figure out why I am alive. My meds get changed around somewhat here and there, and yet my ticker keeps on ticking.

Why does the Lord still want me around? I don’t know why I have been blessed. Now with the COVID pandemic going around myself, and family are still doing well, touch wood.

Bless you and yours, and I hope you get through pandemic on the other side without a worry. If you or yours have experienced loss of a close one my sympathies and condolecences. Best wishes to all those with COVID or long COVID during these weird times. Take care, and season’s greetings.

Knit and Natter with artwork

As a knitter, and a member of the group Knit and natter, it is intriguing the various types of wool, baby wool fine and pastel, sock wool strong and durable, and lofty wool being thick and resilient.

And now without setting lofty heights upon artwork, thee has been a recent upgrade to the RedBubble site. Please check out the new banner, and new artwork! It is hoped that there will be something of interest in the variety offered, just as there are diverse types of wool for the knitters group. Have a good day!


B Sherdahl has a bit more art online

So now trying an experiment with a web site called Zazzle

One can spice a bit of artwork up at Zazzle, and see it appear on coffee mugs, t-shirts, treasure boxes, shopping bags, and ever so much more.  So if you would like to see more, here is a bit of my Zazzle

Shop for other tote bags online at zazzle.com

See other gifts available on Zazzle.

So if you like what you see please just Click here.

Please let me know what you think of Zazzle


Thank you kindly

Land of Pride Party Plates
Land of Pride Party Plates by Wheels_in_your_mind
Look at other Sherdahl Plates at zazzle.com

The beauty of the land where all is fair.

Gaze upon landscapes, and floral fine art at at “My Beloved” where the north country is celebrated, and artwork shall rejoice.

A floral tribute is extended as an embrace of introduction Flower drawing

and also these posies

presented in this floral painting

With a hearty welcome, please drop by My Beloved and leave a comment, or like on facebook, if you wouldn’t mind! For in hushing our own hearts’ pleadings,
Hear only the country’s call.
For next to our God is our Nation;

The beauty of the land where all is fair.
Awed and afraid, I cross the border-land.
Oh, who am I, that I dare enter here
Where the great artists of the world have trod—
Thanks for your visit and welcome me to this new abode,
Entering unseen. Soon as th’ artistic news is read
so introduces this artistic wanderer.
Wishing you a hearty welcome,
So very proud that you would gather here